Letter: Environmentalists understand agriculture


Letter: Environmentalists understand agriculture

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Those who say that we do not understand the importance of agriculture in the Napa Valley are really stooping low. We also understand the importance of water, and the quality of life.

Does agriculture in Napa County really need rejuvenating or is it feeling neglected? Aside from our huge losses due to the fires of 2020, numbers indicated that there is no shortage of grapes in Napa. Some grape crops were heavy this season, and bargain low prices were offered.

It seems amazing that one, ill-advised land speculator’s recent defeat rattled a few individuals. Removing a forest to plant a vineyard seems unethical in this age of global warming, regardless of how “green” the vineyard is promised to turn out. We are in pivotal moment; we need to support fighting global warming and water conservation.

Our elected officials who are accused to creating this controversy are very deep thinkers regarding problems way larger than one vineyard or another winery. They have looked at the big picture of our environment, economics, and a community’s safety and peace of mind.

I have been a farmer for over 40 years. I get it. I love it. It is time to limit vineyard planting in our watershed. We all need water, and the wonderful clean air that hillside vegetation provides. This is why I strongly support Amber Manfree and Liz Alessio for supervisor.

Randy Dunn